About Us


A lot of individuals don’t really consider the importance of sleepwear .In today’s busy world  we just want to crash asleep at the end of the day. Every outfit complements our mood. Just  like how a work wear defines our professionalism and clothes that you would wear for a  party defines of clubbing or party mood to enjoy, like that a sleep time also want specific  dress for relaxation after the day is over.  

Our objective is to provide trendy collections, bring comfortable and elegant nightwear  to the hardworking women as well as for men of India 

‘BE YOU’ is the ultimate relaxation clothing and why is it important, nightwear can improve  the quality of sleep by: Makes you feel home and sleep, Barring your body against cold,  Prevent illnesses, Aid in hygiene, Comfort at its best, Style 

Ensure that the jammies you sleep in are made of good-quality fabrics – soft, breathable, and  most importantly, comfortable between your sheets. Keep in mind that your pyjamas directly  affect the quality of your sleep. In fact, the quality of your sleep makes your brain sharper,  boost your mood, make your heart healthier, steady your blood sugar, and aid in weight loss.  For these reasons, get the right nightwear, and you will wake up healthy and relaxed every  morning. 

So here Be You presents some different styles of nightwear, lounge for whole family that  must wear to look fashionable yet comfortable during sleeping hours. 

Be You is a global luxury fashion brand established in the year 2006 by Pratik Gitai. It  specializes in nightwear/ gowns/ lounge wears/ jewelleries that can be acquired in numerous  designs, color combinations, sizes and finishing fulfilling the varied requirements of our  esteemed customers, across the globe. So if you are looking for a global brand with unique  and stylish nightwear products Be You is the place to go 

Please visit our website for more update and latest collection from Be You